Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop (J)

Date: Sun Apr 27 2025, 4:00 PM PDT – 5:30 PM PDT

Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be!

Juniors learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea that, from their perspective, makes life better. Then they create a model of it; share it and get feedback; make improvements; and pitch it to friends, family, or classmates.

Come up with an idea that makes life better

Share your idea with others to get feedback

Improve your idea

Share how your idea works

Pitch your idea to an audience

When you’ve earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for something that solves a problem, shared your idea, gotten feedback, and pitched it to others – all things that entrepreneurs do!

$10 – includes badge

Click here to select a location and sign up.