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Black History Month (DBJCSA)
Bronze Award Workshop (JV)
Attention All Junior Girl Scouts!
Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey that will transform you into a changemaker. Introducing the Girl Scout Bronze Award-not just an award but a thrilling leadership designed especially for you and over half a million fellow Girl Scouts Juniors globally. Join our workshop to learn about the Girl Scout Bronze Award requirements, the seven steps to earn a Bronze Award, and the tips to help guide Girl Scouts each step of the way.
Please bring a notebook/paper for notes, pen or pencil.
Valentines Day Fun Patch (DBJCSA)
Global Action Badge Workshops (DBJCSA)
1.5 hour long workshops, beginning at 10:30am.
Global Action Badge Workshops (DBJCSA)
1.5 hour long workshops, beginning at 10:30am.
Gold Award Training Webinar (SAV)
All girls and adults interested in learning more about the Gold Award are invited to take this training. We will discuss the steps to go Gold, what a Gold Award project looks like and the resources available to you.
We suggest downloading the Gold Award workbook before the class begins. You can find the Gold Award workbook on this webpage:
Going for the Gold
Benchrest BBs (JCSA)
Perfect your shot at our BB Gun Rifle Shooting Range! Join fellow Girl Scouts in grade 4 and up to earn all four levels of the GSCCC BB Patch Program – Benchrest, Standing, Kneeling, and Prone. The GSCCC BB Patch Program must be completed in order.
Price: $15
Mane Masters (DB)
Giddy up and get ready to unleash your inner Mane Master! Join our exciting program where we’ll whisk you away on a journey into the magical world of horse grooming! Get ready to dive into the art of mane and tail braiding as we teach you the ropes (or should we say reins?) of transforming your four-legged friends into style icons! Get hands-on experience, learn expert techniques, and discover the secrets to creating dazzling braids that’ll make heads turn and hooves trot! Don’t miss out on this tail-tossing, mane-twirling adventure – come join us and let’s make some mane magic together!
Note – This program does not involve horseback riding. Proper attire is still required.
Price: $15 per girl
Standing BBs (JCSA)
Perfect your shot at our BB Gun Rifle Shooting Range! Join fellow Girl Scouts in grade 4 and up to earn all four levels of the GSCCC BB Patch Program – Benchrest, Standing, Kneeling, and Prone. The GSCCC BB Patch Program must be completed in order.
This sport can help teach patience, discipline, determination, focus, and attention to detail – key elements of leadership and confidence building! Learning how to handle guns properly and safely through necessary training is of utmost importance so that girls can develop a healthy respect for the sport and the tools used before engaging in any activity.
Price: $15