Silver Award Workshop (C,V)

Date: Wed Oct 09 2024, 5:00 PM PST – 6:30 PM PST

Embark on an unforgettable journey of transformation and empowerment with the Girl Scout Silver Award Workshop! This exhilarating event is designed to ignite the change-maker within you and your fellow Cadettes, shaping you into leaders of tomorrow.

More than just a prestigious accolade, the Girl Scout Silver Award is a thrilling adventure crafted specifically for you and Girl Scouts worldwide. Join us in this immersive workshop where you’ll discover the ins and outs of the Silver Award requirements, unravel the seven transformative steps to earning your Silver Award, and receive invaluable tips to navigate each stage with confidence and grace.

Get ready to unlock your potential, unleash your creativity, and make a lasting impact in your community and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a captivating leadership journey that will leave you inspired and empowered to change the world. Join us at the Girl Scout Silver Award Workshop and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!–silver-award-in-person-workshop—cadette—oxnard0.html