Category Archives: Apr

Collage Badge Workshop (S)

Date: Sun Apr 06, 11:30 AM PST – Sun Apr 06, 1:00 PM PST

Unleash your creativity and explore the world of collage art! In this program, participants will dive into the art of combining materials and themes to create two unique collages. Choose from a variety of approaches, including:

– Merging different time periods or artistic styles.

– Crafting a visually cohesive piece based on a color theme.

– Designing a photo collage that tells a story.

– Using everyday items to transform the ordinary into extraordinary.

– Creating a self-portrait collage that reflects your individuality.

This program encourages self-expression and artistic exploration, culminating in a showcase of your masterpieces. Let your imagination lead the way!

Click here to register.

Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop (J)

Date: Sat Apr 26 2025, 4:00 PM PDT – 5:30 PM PDT

Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be!

Juniors learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea that, from their perspective, makes life better. Then they create a model of it; share it and get feedback; make improvements; and pitch it to friends, family, or classmates.

Come up with an idea that makes life better

Share your idea with others to get feedback

Improve your idea

Share how your idea works

Pitch your idea to an audience

When you’ve earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for something that solves a problem, shared your idea, gotten feedback, and pitched it to others – all things that entrepreneurs do!

$10 – includes badge

Click here to register.

Budding Entrepreneur Badge Workshop (B)

Date: Sat Apr 26 2025, 11:30 AM PDT – 1:00 PM PDT

Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be!

Brownies learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea that, from their perspective, makes life better. Then they create a model of it; share it and get feedback; make improvements; and pitch it to friends, family, or classmates.

1. Come up with an idea that makes life better

2. Share your idea with others to get feedback

3. Improve your idea

4. Share how your idea works

5. Pitch your idea to an audience

When you’ve earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for something that solves a problem, shared your idea, gotten feedback, and pitched it to others – all things that entrepreneurs do!

$10 – includes badge

Click here to register.

Arbor Day Fun Patch (DBJCSA)

Date: Fri Apr 25 2025, 4:00 PM PDT – 5:30 PM PDT

Celebrate the beauty and importance of trees with the Arbor Day Fun Patch! This patch encourages participants to explore the vital role trees play in our environment, learn about their care and conservation, and actively contribute to the greening of their community. Through hands-on activities like tree planting, nature walks, and creative projects, participants will grow their knowledge of trees and develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Whether planting a sapling or identifying local species, this patch is a meaningful way to honor the spirit of Arbor Day and make a lasting impact on the environment.

$5 – includes patch

Click here to register.

Silver Award Training Webinar (CV)

Date: Wed Apr 30 2025, 6:00 PM PST – 7:00 PM PST

Attention all Cadette Girl Scouts!

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating Journey that will shape you into a true changemaker! Introducing the Girl Scout Silver Award- more than just an accolade, it’s a captivating leadership journey tailored for you and your fellow Cadettes around the world. Join our workshop to learn about the Girl Scout Silver Award requirements, the seven steps to earn a Silver Award, and the tips to help guide Girl Scouts each step of the way.

Please bring a notebook/paper for notes, pen or pencil.

Click here to register.

Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop (J)

Date: Sun Apr 27 2025, 4:00 PM PDT – 5:30 PM PDT

Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be!

Juniors learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea that, from their perspective, makes life better. Then they create a model of it; share it and get feedback; make improvements; and pitch it to friends, family, or classmates.

Come up with an idea that makes life better

Share your idea with others to get feedback

Improve your idea

Share how your idea works

Pitch your idea to an audience

When you’ve earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for something that solves a problem, shared your idea, gotten feedback, and pitched it to others – all things that entrepreneurs do!

$10 – includes badge

Click here to select a location and sign up.

Budding Entrepreneur Badge Workshop (B)

Date: Sun Apr 27 2025, 11:30 AM PDT – 1:00 PM PDT

Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be!

Brownies learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea that, from their perspective, makes life better. Then they create a model of it; share it and get feedback; make improvements; and pitch it to friends, family, or classmates.

1. Come up with an idea that makes life better
2. Share your idea with others to get feedback
3. Improve your idea
4. Share how your idea works
5. Pitch your idea to an audience

When you’ve earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for something that solves a problem, shared your idea, gotten feedback, and pitched it to others – all things that entrepreneurs do!

$10 – includes badge

Click here to select a location and register.

Next April – Kaleidoscope 2026

When: April 17 – 19, 2026 (NEXT April)

Calling all troops who will be Juniors through Ambassadors next Spring!  Mark your calendars for Kaleidoscope 2026.

Kaleidoscope is a Camporee held every two years in Santa Barbara County for Junior through Ambassador Girl Scout troops.  There is something for everyone – outdoor skills for all levels, art, cooking, songs, games, Saturday evening program, and more!!  You can choose to participate in as much or as little as you like. This event is held every other year and attracts approximately 1,000 girls and adults, giving you a chance to meet sister Girl Scouts from all areas of our council!

It’s a fun weekend of:
– tent camping
– skills
– workshops that include crafts, cooking, songs, games
– a cook-off competition
– Just for Fun campsite decoration and hat design competition
– Saturday Evening program including skits performed by troops
– a Council-wide Service Project, including for Daisy and Brownie troops

Though Daisies and Brownies can’t attend the event, they can participate in the Service Project. All the details will be in the Handbook coming in September.

Check back in the fall for registration links and more information!

Questions? Email the Kaleidoscope Committee.

Cal Poly AOE Girl Scout Day (DBJ)

Date: Sat Apr 12 2025, 9:00 AM PST – 12:00 PM PST

Cal Poly is a good drive away but these events are fantastic!  Well worth the drive!

Alpha Omega Epsilon invites Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast for a exciting day of hands-on experience! Anything that is created must first be designed and planned. An engineer designs and builds products, systems, or technologies. Engineers are curious about how and why things work.

In this engineering challenge, we will break you into small teams to explore how electrical engineering concepts apply to paper circuits. Throughout the day, you’ll have the chance to create your own paper circuit and test it, making improvements as you go. Each team will be paired with an engineering student mentor to guide you. At the end of the day, we’ll have several challenges to test different aspects of your paper circuit, and before you leave, you’ll earn a special patch to commemorate the event!

Please bring:
A refillable water bottle with your name on it
A lunch

Fee: $ 12.00 includes a patch

Click here to register.

Balloon Burst BBs (JCSA)

Date: Sun Apr 06 2025, 10:45 AM PST – 11:45 AM PST

BB Balloons is an exciting and engaging shooting program designed for enthusiasts looking to hone their aim and precision with BB guns. BB Balloons offers a unique opportunity to refine your shooting skills while enjoying the satisfying pop of success!

This sport can help teach patience, discipline, determination, focus, and attention to detail – key elements of leadership and confidence building! Learning how to handle guns properly and safely through necessary training is of utmost importance so that girls can develop a healthy respect for the sport and the tools used before engaging in any activity.

Price: $15

Click here to register.