Category Archives: Patch Program

Project Pollinate

The goal of the Project Pollinate Patch program is to educate girls about the importance of preserving pollinators. This patch program gives girls the opportunity to observe and track local pollinators in their community. Girls will be inspired to share what they learn with others. Patch is earned by doing activities associated with Discovering, Connecting, and Taking Action, all based on grade level.

Earn It: Download the Project Pollinate Patch Program.  When you’re finished, fill out this form to complete the Project Pollinate Patch Program.

Purchase Project Pollinate patch via Doubleknot: Project Pollinate Patch

Moxi Patch Program

This patch program provides girls and troops a fun and interesting way to engage with the exhibits at The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation (MOXI) in Santa Barbara, CA.

The patch program is for Girl Scouts of all levels. The patch is for girls only.

Earn It: Download the GSCCC MOXI Patch Program.  When you’re finished,  fill out this form to complete the MOXI Patch Program.  Then purchase your patch via Doubleknot.

Money Matters Patch Program

In order to earn the financial literacy skills patch, girls must participate in one Fall Product Program and one Cookie Program. This program aligns with the Financial Literacy and Cookie Business Badge series at every level.  Girls will earn the charms as they Discover, Connect, and take Action!

Earn It: Download the packet and complete at your own pace.  Confirm your completion when you fill out this form, then purchase your patch via Doubleknot.

JPL NASA Patch Program

This Patch Program has been designed by our friends at JPL/NASA in Pasadena, California for Girl Scouts to learn about our amazing Planet Earth.

Most Girl Scouts know that JPL builds rovers and NASA sends astronauts into space. Did you know that NASA and JPL also keep an eye on our home planet, Earth? Understanding Earth from the viewpoint of space helps us to understand and connect to our changing world.

NASA monitors the vital signs of Earth from the perspective of space to help you understand the future of your planet, to help you connect to your changing world and to your global community.

In this Patch Program, we will be exploring the Earth’s Systems through temperature, climate and ocean systems using online platforms. Then you will be asked to Take Action in your own community to implement projects that bring these explorations home to your own backyard, here on Planet Earth!

Earn It: Download the JPL/Nasa Understanding Planet Earth Activity Guide and complete at your own pace.  To purchase the patch, confirm your completion at JPL/Nasa Patch Program  – Get My Patch then purchase the JPL/NASA patch via Doubleknot.

Forever Green – Understanding Water Conservation

California is in the middle of a very serious drought and it is up to us, as stewards of our land, to make every effort to conserve water and help educate others to do the same!

This patch program has been designed to educate the participants about water conservation, exploring your water footprint, how water is treated, water runoff, and to save money reducing unnecessary water usage.

Duncan Yo-Yo Patch Program

Duncan has developed a program to support the participants, and inspire you to be a part of another team with a new sport. One you can carry in your pocket, or backpack, and take it anywhere. Not to mention, it’s pretty impressive to show your friends something they may have never seen before.

Register to participate here: