Category Archives: Patch Program

Building Your Community

This patch program offers girls an opportunity to learn more about their community, connect with local decision makers and advocate for the changes they would like to see in their community. This patch can be done by individual girls, families or troops.

Younger girls may want to complete this patch program with an adult or older sibling.

This patch program aligns with GSUSA’s Democracy Civic Engagement badges at every level.

Food For All

This patch program helps girls focus on how they can help end hunger locally and globally while learning more about their own nutritional needs. The activities will help girls learn about hunger as a contemporary issue. Organized by Girl Scout age level, they will be encouraged to take on activities that engage, educate and empower them to fight hunger. Encouraging girls to discover their community’s needs, connecting with local resources and taking action by making the world a better place is the focus of this program.


The suffrage (right to vote) movement was unique in that it was the first time; women across the nation became politically active on women’s right. These female activists, called Suffragettes protested their right to vote with protest marches, letters and articles in local papers, and were often arrested while participating in these activities.

Tea had traditionally been a way for women to socialize and organize. Suffragettes used tea parties as a way to educate others and plan protest activities. These teas began to be called Equali-Teas.

This patch program aligns with GSUSA’s Democracy badges at every level.

Celebrating Our Differences (DBJ)

The purpose of Girl Scout Junior Troop 60696’s Bronze Award patch program is to heighten awareness, understanding and acceptance of people of all abilities.

This program blends patch programs developed by the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital, Girl Scouts San Diego, and Girl Scouts Mile High Council for Girl Scouts at the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Levels.


California’s coastline harbors some of the richest diversity in North America. Tide pools, coastal dune habitat, and beaches are heavily impacted by continual recreational use, development, contamination of the watersheds, and more. As stewards of our land, it’s up to us to help preserve them!

This patch program has been designed to educate the participants about exploring and discovering our local beaches and seashores to uncover some of the secrets of these unique and diverse habitats.

Walk This Way

This patch program provides girls, troops and families a fun and interesting way to engage in the health benefits of an active lifestyle. Walking is the simplest form of exercise and it is right at our feet! “Walk this Way” and join other girls, troops and families as they virtually walk from the Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast (GSCCC) headquarters in Ventura to the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia.