This is an amazing website with LOTS for free resources for Leaders. There are literally hundreds of things to help you in your journey as a troop leader. Check it out!

This is an amazing website with LOTS for free resources for Leaders. There are literally hundreds of things to help you in your journey as a troop leader. Check it out!
You’ll find a lot of information listed below. If you don’t find the information you need, please email us at
** Keep in mind that information may change. Keep an eye out for updates. **
At troop meetings, girls earn badges, work on Journeys, eat snacks, and have fun.
Troops can attend larger events and troop leaders are encouraged to host them, too!
Here’s some information to help with both.
Like so many other things in life, running a troop involves paperwork.
For example, the troop’s finances have to be managed, first-aid problems tracked, and each girl has permission forms that have to be renewed each year.
Can’t wait to travel with your girls? From a visit to the Moorpark Zoo to international trips and cruises, Girl Scouts can do it all! The first step is knowing what YOUR girls are ready to do.
Here’s a guide to help you get your girls from holding your hand to flying on their own. Click here to access the full travel guide.
If there is a girl in your troop who is ready for more travel adventure than the troop in general is ready for, encourage her to look into the Girl Scout Destinations program.
Eager to get your troop outside?
Here’s a guide to help you take that leap when your girls are ready for it.
There are no set ages for this progression. It’s up to each troop to decide when they are ready for the next step in the adventure!
Stepping Out Training is required when taking your troop beyond it’s normal meeting place. Stepping Out Training must be renewed every 3 years.
First Aid/CPR/AED Training is also required. You can find this training class many places, including with the Red Cross. The class can be all in person (usually an 8 hour day) or it can be a combined class with an online portion AND an in person portion.
Outdoor Training is required for any outdoor cooking activities and for any outdoor overnights.
Be sure to check Safety Activity Checkpoints to see what other trainings are required for your planned activities.