Category Archives: Apr

BB Tie Dye (JCSA)

Date: Sun Apr 06 2025, 9:00 AM PST – 10:30 PM PST

This unique twist on traditional tie-dyeing combines marksmanship with artistry, allowing participants to shoot dye-filled balloons to create personalized, one-of-a-kind masterpieces.

Please bring your own item you would like to tie dye and we will provide the rest! Come dressed in clothes you don’t mind getting a little messy.

Price: $20

Click here to register.

Colorpop Slingshots (DBJCSA)

Date: Sat Apr 05 2025, 2:45 PM PST – 3:45 PM PST

Create a unique art piece while building your skills with slingshots and paintballs!

Slingshots are descendants of the trebuchet and the sling—weapons used for centuries! For Girl Scouts, they serve as a progression step for target range activities like archery by teaching girls about following range rules and commands as well as helping them to build target skills and hand-eye coordination. This will help prepare Daisies and Brownies for target sports like archery and BB shooting but can still be fun for all age groups!

Price: $10

Click here to register.

Huntress Archery (B*JCSA)

Date: Sat Apr 05 2025, 11:30 AM PST – 12:30 PM PST

This is the final step for earning your archery patch series. Completing the Huntress program opens up many more opportunities to practice and perfect your skills! Join fellow Girl Scouts in grade 3 and up to earn all three levels of the GSCCC Archery Patch Program – Maiden, Scout, and Huntress. The GSCCC Archery Patch Program must be completed in order. Each level focuses on safety, equipment, technique, practice, and fun!

Price: $15

Click here to register.

Scout Archery (B*JCSA)

Date: Sat Apr 05 2025, 10:15 AM PST – 11:15 AM PST

Continue your journey to becoming the best archer you can be! Join fellow Girl Scouts in grade 3 and up to earn all three levels of the GSCCC Archery Patch Program – Maiden, Scout, and Huntress. The GSCCC Archery Patch Program must be completed in order. Each level focuses on safety, equipment, technique, practice, and fun!

Price $15

Click here to register.

Maiden Archery (B*JCSA)

Date: Sat Apr 05 2025, 9:00 AM PST – 10:00 AM PST

This is the first step on your journey to become the best archer you can be! Join fellow Girl Scouts in grade 3 and up to earn all three levels of the GSCCC Archery Patch Program – Maiden, Scout, and Huntress. The GSCCC Archery Patch Program must be completed in order. Each level focuses on safety, equipment, technique, practice, and fun!

Price: $15

Click here to register.

Program Aide Core Training Class (CSA)

Date: Sun Apr 27 2025, 10:00 AM PDT – 4:00 PM PDT

All girls in 6th grade (must be at least 11.5 years old) and above are invited to attend Program Aide Core Training. Girls will learn what it means to be a Program Aide (PA) and ways to engage and be a role model to younger girls.

Girls must complete this course to be a PA at Day Camp.

Girls are expected to stay the entire time and may wear face masks.

Program Aide Core Training (P.A.C.T.) is a council-designed leadership course and one of the steps required to earn the Program Aide pin. For more information on the Program Aide pin contact

Click here to register.

Gold Award Training Webinar (SAV)

Date: Mon Apr 21 2025, 7:00 PM PDT – 8:00 PM PDT

All girls and adults interested in learning more about the Gold Award are invited to take this training. We will discuss the steps to go Gold, what a Gold Award project looks like and the resources available to you.

We suggest downloading the Gold Award workbook before the class begins. You can find the Gold Award workbook on this webpage:  Going for the Gold

Click here to register.

Basic Backpacking Course – Part 2 (C*SA)

Date: Sat Apr 12 2025, 10:00 AM PST – 5:00 PM PST

Must be in 7th grade or higher

The second part of our three step wilderness progression, designed for individuals, teaches everything you need to know to begin a multi-night outdoor adventure. Gain the knowledge you’ll need to make important decisions about gear, clothing, and trip planning, then hit the trail to practice and hone your skills.

Class: April 12 10-5 Oxnard Collection GS storefront

Day Hike: 8:30-4:30 April 13 Ojai

Pack Check: Tues or Weds evening April 29 or 30

Overnight: May 3-4 Sespe River Trail to Bear Creek (off the 33 in Ventura County)

All dates are mandatory

Cost: $100.00

Girl Scout Hospital Adventure Day (DBJCSA)

Date: Sat Apr 12 2025, 9:00 AM PST – 2:00 PM PST

Join us for the Girl Scouts A Hospital Adventure Day at St. Johns Hospital, where all girls will experience everything this event has to offer! Girl Scouts of all ages can climb aboard an EMT ambulance, perform “fruit surgery,” and dive into mini health labs exploring basic first aid and wellness. They’ll also discover physical therapy and rehab, learning how to care for themselves and others. Every participant receives a water bottle and a health-themed goodie bag to take home. Happening across the council, this hands-on adventure is something you don’t want to miss!

Price: $25.00

Click here to register.