Outdoor Training (V)

Date: Wed Oct 01 2025 – Sun Oct 05 2025

Outdoor Training prepares leaders to teach their troop the skills needed for cooking and camping outdoors. This is a two part training. Both parts must be taken together and completed prior to any planned trips. Participants will plan their outdoor day during Part A and will be bring some camping and cooking supplies to Part B on Sunday.

Stepping Out is a prerequisite for this class and must be completed prior to Part A. Contact council for more information. 

Please ensure you have a gsLearn account before taking Stepping Out. To access gsLearn, log into your MyGS account then click gsLearn on the left side of your screen. If you need assistance, contact council.

Part A: Wednesday, October 1st 6-9pm
Part B: Sunday, October 5th 9am-4pm

If you have any questions about the training or Stepping Out, please reach out to council at info@girlscoutsccc.org or (800)822-2427.

Note: Participants will need to buy food for cooking preparation in addition to the Council fee.  Each patrol will need to bring a few camping/cooking pieces of equipment.

Click here to register.