“When you earn the Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador Community Service bar, you are making a difference in your community – and practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law. It’s also a great way to get involved with a cause you care about and learn more about the world.
To earn the bar, first choose an organization you’d like to volunteer with. The organization will need to agree to give you instructions about the work you’ll be doing. Your council needs to approve your service, so check with them before you begin. Once you’re organization has been approved, complete at least 20 hours of service with them to earn the bar.”
– Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Handbook
NOTE: Because our Council is so large and diverse, Council has tasked the Service Units with approving the organizations. Email your name, Girl Scout level, the organization’s name, contact information for the person you will be working with at that organization, and a brief description of what you will be doing for them to info@simivalleygirlscouts.org.