Did you know that 69% of female U.S. Senators were Girl Scouts?
So were 80% of women business owners and 99% of the female astronauts who’ve flown in space!
Who makes this happen?
Girl Scout troops are run by volunteers. Without parents and other amazing adults, the positive outcomes shown above won’t happen. When girls are given a caring, supportive place to explore their creativity and individuality, they thrive.
Interested in starting a troop or helping out? Click here to get started today!
Membership in Girl Scouts is open to girls in grades K-12. Our programs offer a wide array of activities that encourage girls to discover their full potential and to have fun at the same time. Girls learn the importance of personal responsibility, the value of goal-setting, the spirit of teamwork, and the thrill of accomplishment.
Why should a girl join Girl Scouts?
Try new things! Make new friends! Go on more adventures than you can count!
With us, there’s a whole world of new opportunities waiting for you. Girl Scouts knows that girls not only CAN do but WANT to do so much more!
How do I join?
Click here to get started. You’ll be taken to our Girl Scout Council’s website where you can sign your daughter up! You’ll be able to search for a troop that meets your daughter’s schedule needs. If one isn’t available, she can start on her Girl Scout adventure as an independent Girl Scout while we keep searching for a great troop.Have more questions?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or email us at info@simivalleygirlscouts.org.