Category Archives: Finances

Plan 2 & Plan 3 Insurance

For most things, Girl Scouts insurance policy covers all registered Girl Scouts.
Tag-alongs ARE covered by the basic Girl Scout insurance for basic troop meetings as long as you have a roster of everyone present and a parent or guardian stays at the meeting.

Examples of things that are not covered include:

  • Everyone – If you have not filled out a trip application, didn’t bother to collect permission slips, forgot to get parents to sign the slip for a high risk activity, or otherwise skipped on some paperwork, then Girl Scouts basic insurance policy probably won’t cover you.  Your own insurance will have to cover you and anyone with you.
  • Tag-alongs – anyone who is not a registered Girl Scout is not covered if the paperwork is not complete or you don’t have a full roster of everyone who is present at the event.  Some examples are siblings who are brought along to an event, friends who “tag-a-long” to a troop meeting, and guest speakers you invite to the event.
  • Buildings – if the location you are meeting at requires an insurance policy (COI), you’ll need to request one from council.  We have one on file already for all of SVUSD’s properties.
  • Longer trips or trips that go out of the country.

For field trips and longer trips, contact council for Plan 3 insurance.  This additional insurance provides extra protection for everyone on the trip.